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Monday 1 August 2011

The Music Powers That Be

"The Music Powers That Be" Developed by producer/engineer/consultant Cirocco, whose credits in the music industry is a who’s-who list of names, the “Music Powers” book, in essence, is one of the very best reference books available (and ever made) for new talent to make better choices to get in the music business, and also succeed in the music industry.

"The Music Powers That Be" book is absolutely the best music industry book of professional advice, contacts, business information, help & resources for unsigned Artists, Producers, DJs, Songwriters, Engineers, Indie Labels & Managers in Hip-Hop, Urban, Rap, and R&B/Pop Music.

It features exclusive “inside” advice from Grammy Winners, Grammy Nominees, and Award-winning, history making, Billboard #1 Hit songwriters, producers, and companies. 
Music Powers is also the only book that covers the subject of the new music industry trade of “Selling & Leasing Beats” for Record Producers, Musicians, DJs, and Programmers. 
The book is also full of vital industry contacts; Top Managers, Top Entertainment Attorneys, Top Producers, Business Managers, Studios, and more.

Get Professional Advice from: Manuel Seal Jr., Mr. Collipark, Joel A. Katz, DJ Toomp, Vince Phillips, Esq. - BME, Alvin Speights, Debra Killings, Dina Andrews, Ben McLain, Esq., Emperor Searcy (Radio One), Lyles Media Group, Big Oomp, Cirocco, Sabrina Montgomery (DCE), and more..........

Monday 20 June 2011

Music Powers

"The Music Powers That Be" book is absolutely the best music industry book of professional advice, contacts, business information, help & resources for unsigned Artists, Producers, DJs, Songwriters, Engineers, Indie Labels & Managers in Hip-Hop, Urban, Rap, and R&B/Pop Music. 

Developed by producer/engineer/consultant Cirocco, whose credits in the music industry is a who’s-who list of names, the “Music Powers” book, in essence, is one of the very best reference books available (and ever made) for new talent to make better choices to get in the music business, and also succeed in the music industry. 

The book features exclusive “inside” advice from Grammy Winners, Grammy Nominees, and Award-winning, history making, Billboard #1 Hit songwriters, producers, and companies. Music Powers is also the only book that covers the subject of the new music industry trade of “Selling & Leasing Beats” for Record Producers, Musicians, DJs, and Programmers. The book is also full of vital industry contacts; Top Managers, Top Entertainment Attorneys, Top Producers, Business Managers, Studios, and more. 

Get Professional Advice from: Manuel Seal Jr., Mr. Collipark, Joel A. Katz, DJ Toomp, Vince Phillips, Esq. - BME, Alvin Speights, Debra Killings, Dina Andrews, Ben McLain, Esq., Emperor Searcy (Radio One), Lyles Media Group, Big Oomp, Cirocco, Sabrina Montgomery (DCE), and more. 

Thursday 26 May 2011

Your Digital Music Experience Is Only Going To Get Better Over Time So Be Prepared

Your Digital Music Experience Is Only Going To Get Better Over Time So Be Prepared 

Digital music is something that has really grown on me throughout my years of listening to music and to this day is still absolutely amazing to me. No matter how you listen to your digital music, you are going to enjoy every second of it and can always look forward to hearing the newer songs coming out by all of the new artists out there. Your digital music collection will indeed grow tremendously if you continue keeping up with the times, there is absolutely no little doubt about that at all because who doesn't just adore their music sometime during their day anyway? 

Every person that I know personally just loves being able to enjoy listening to their digital music and if you are like everyone else then you have a great deal to be thankful for when it comes to digital music and technology and you also have a great deal of cool stuff to look forward to in your near future. Your digital music experience is really just going to explode throughout the years and you are going to constantly be blown away by the clearness and great quality of it all. 

It is all only going to keep getting better and better throughout time, so be prepared for what awaits us, probably just right around the corner too. There are so many wonderful things in our lives to be looking forward to and realizing all of the changes being made with our music every time that we turn around should be something else on your mind, that is for sure because if you do not keep up with all of this you are just going to be totally and completely lost through it all. 

Nobody wants to be left out in the dark, whenever it comes to listening and enjoying all that technology has to offer to us, whenever it comes to our digital music experiences, typically occurring each and everyday. It is so important to continue doing things in your life that make you happy because life is just simply way too short for anyone of you to forget what it really is that makes you smile. 

If listening to your digital music each day gives you a good feeling or puts a big smile on your face, then you keep on doing what it is that you are doing to always feel better, no matter what might be going on within your life. Some people have a hard enough finding anything that really makes them feel happy inside, so for those of you who do hang on to what makes you happy, good for you, keep up the good work. 

Digital music can be many different things to many different people and getting the opportunity to listen to songs that remind you of something or someone in your life is always an incredible experience itself. Being prepared for the future is always a great thing to try and do anyways and the same definitely goes for new and more advanced ways of getting to listen and enjoy some of those old songs you grew up listening to with your momma. 

What Has Digital Music Done To Bring Convenience To Your Life-Find Out Why Its Been So Great For Many People

What Has Digital Music Done To Bring Convenience To Your Life-Find Out Why Its Been So Great For Many People 

Anything in our lives that can make things easier or less stressful is usually something that most of us are searching for and because of the tremendous advancements in technology, digital music sources have grown enormously throughout the years, making our listening abilities so much more convenient and easier, than they ever were in the past years, when our parents were growing up. There were no little compact ways of enjoying music, everything was way too bulky, making it impossible to carry your music anywhere you went, unlike it is for all of us now days. 

Digital music sources have really improved and definitely made my life much more convenient. You should think about this for a little while and try to imagine life without all of these wonderful and amazing advancements because many of us tend to take these little things for granted far too often. We are seriously some very lucky and perhaps even spoiled individuals, there is no doubt about that at all. This is why more of us should truly be more thankful for all of the wonderful and sometimes even materialistic things that we now have in our lives. 

Our listening abilities have changed drastically throughout the years because of all of the great advancements and life has gotten much more convenient. Remember when we did not have remotes for our television sets and now if we lose our remote controls, many of us go into complete panic mode. God forbid we have to actually get up off of our couches and change the channels by ourselves, what has this world really come to anyway? It kind of makes me feel bad at times when I really give it a great deal of thought but it also makes me feel very lucky and fortunate as well. 

Digital music is something that is going to continuously improve throughout the years so all of us definitely have a great deal of cool things to look forward to experiencing over time. Life is more convenient now days and we need to start thinking about how very lucky we really are and perhaps attempt to try and stop taking so many wonderful and exciting things for granted, as many of us do on a daily basis. 

I would imagine that your grandparents, as well as your parents, would really get a thrill out of sitting down and discussing with you some things regarding these incredible advancements in technology and how the new digital music world has changed so many things for so many individuals. It would also be a good time to discuss some of the other things in life that have changed so drastically and made life so much more convenient for us and our children. 

Digital music is not going anywhere, in fact, it is all only going to keep getting bigger and better over the years and who knows what they will think of next?

The Ways That We Listen To Digital Music Is Changing Constantly And Will Continue Throughout The Years

The Ways That We Listen To Digital Music Is Changing Constantly And Will Continue Throughout The Years 

Believe it or not people, even though it seems as though it could not get any better when it comes to us all enjoying listening to digital music, times are changing very quickly and yes, things are only going to continue growing and getting even better over the years, probably much sooner than most of us ever anticipate. There are many different ways that we all can enjoy listening to our most awesome digital music collection and in this article that is just what I am going to tell you a little bit more about. 

We now have ipods, which are highly popular with the young and the much older because they are getting less expensive than they were when they first came out on the market. There are so many wonderful new technological advancements being made each and everyday, that all we have to look forward to is even more and more unbelievable designs and features, which will make our digital music experience even greater than it has already been for all of us who can get the opportunity to purchase one for ourselves. 

There is something else where we can listen to digital music and that is through our mp3 players, which most people from all around already have gotten the opportunity to enjoy experiencing. They are incredible little devices that are much less expensive than they first were in the beginning, that is for sure and you all already know that right! You can now listen to your digital music through your mp3 player and life just seems so much more enjoyable and definitely more convenient. 

We also have the opportunity to enjoy listening to our digital music through our home personal computers or at the office if you choose to do so or if it is permitted. Digital music can easily be enjoyed just about anywhere that you go throughout your days or nights, as long as you have yourself one of the new handy little devices which makes it all possible in the first place. 

Listening to digital music of all types is truly an experience in itself but did you also know that it is very therapeutic as well, to many individuals who are struggling or stressing about something or another in their lives. Having the opportunity or ability to listen to your digital music recordings through some tiny little device make everything so much better doesn't it. 

Even flying the skies is more fun now days since you can enjoy listening to your digital music on your ipod, mp3 player, or any other little digital music device that you have gotten your hands on. You can relax peacefully listening to music that is actually music that you love, not just what the other passengers are hearing in their ears. The convenience of having these wonderful devices makes it so worth any amount of money having to be spent to purchase any of them. 

More Information Regarding The Importance Of Digital Music In Our Lives-It Is Something Very Mood Altering

More Information Regarding The Importance Of Digital Music In Our Lives-It Is Something Very Mood Altering 

It is proven that music is a mood altering experience. Listening to digital music, depending on the environment around you, can provide you with different mood changing experiences. If you are in a nightclub and the music is bumping, there is just no doubt about it, you will be up on that dance floor moving all around and shaking your money maker! It is really incredible what listening to digital music can do for an individual. 

It is really important for all of you to truly understand the great importance of listening to music and really feeling it. If you are sitting at home, lights are down low and maybe you are feeling a little bit sad about something, you could start listening to some of them tear in your beer type songs and before you know it, you are going to be crying your poor little eyes out. 

Music tones and sounds literally do something that will change things in your brain wave, which causes moods to develop, whether they are feelings of romance, sadness, cheerfulness or complete throw down partying type of mood. If you really think about that it is kind of funny isn't it, the way that listening to digital music can just put you into like a total trance of some sort. 

Often times when I am sitting here writing articles I will play my digital music very low in the background and it really helps to put me in that right zone or mood, to continue doing what it is that I am doing. Some might think that it would be distracting but it really all depends on the type of music that you are playing. If you are needing to just relax, put in some of your softer, slower melodies and upon doing so, you will slowly start to feel yourself calm down a bit. 

Digital music will continue to grown in its advancements with technology and there will be more and more new items coming out on the store shelves, for you all lucky enough to get to enjoy. Being in a really crabby mood is not something that any of us really want so if you feel yourself having one of those bad days, just go with it. Listen to some awesome digital music on your mp3 player, perhaps some really hard rock or whatever your preferences may be at that time. 

You might find your digital music experience to be quite enlightening and even helpful at certain times in your life. Everyone out there has heard a song playing on the radio or wherever and began to think about a time in your life, that suddenly strikes up an emotion, which might cause you to shed a tear or two. This is perfectly normal, this is what good music is all about. 

Enjoying digital music of all types, can be really healing for many people and most avid music lovers will tell you that life without music just would be no kind of life at all. So, keep listening and enjoying all of your digital music and whatever mood comes upon you, just go with it!

More Information Regarding The Advancements In Technology-Enjoying Digital Music Via The Cell Phone

More Information Regarding The Advancements In Technology-Enjoying Digital Music Via The Cell Phone 

Just about everywhere that you look any individual is carrying around with them some cool little cell phone and in that cell phone is enough memory to save and store lots of digital music, as well as digital photographs. It is really unbelievable how much technology has advanced throughout the years, with so many improvements being made. It is definitely making life much more convenient because with this little invention, it prevents us from having to carry around our phone, plus some type of music source, as well as a camera. 

All in one is what we are getting with all of these new cell phones coming out on the market and it only continues to get better and better throughout the years. Cell phones are being improved dramatically over time and will continue to advance throughout the years to the point where there is seriously no telling what all we will have the ability to do with our cell phones several years from now. 

Digital music being stored on cell phones is definitely something that is very popular, with both the young people, as well as the older individuals. Myself, I just love downloading my favorite digital music and enjoying listening to it on my cell phone and I am quite certain that anyone of you out there that gets to do this loves it just as much as myself. 

Digital music is something that many of us experience getting to listen to on a daily basis and will continue doing for so many years in the future and as I mentioned before, all of these wonderful technological advancements are only going to become more and more amazing throughout the years, so prepare yourself for a very futuristic future, a future that we never would have imagined many years ago, when we were just young children. 

The new and improved cell phones are only going to continue getting more and more amazing over the years so go ahead and start researching this kind of stuff now, so that when they do come out available on the market, you will be one of the first ones in line, ready to purchase your new digital music playing toy. Digital music can be heard from a great deal of sources that have become available and it is important for anyone of you who are missing out to find out just how incredible this whole experience is. 

Enjoying digital music via your cell phone is a wonderful and very convenient option and it is truly making life much easier, there is totally no doubt about that. Cell phones are being used by so many and digital music is being downloaded one way or another by millions of different individuals, especially through their dandy handy little compact cell phones. 

Digital music will continue being enjoyed via our cell phones for many years to come, so keep your eyes wide open for the next great creation out on all of the store shelves. Finding a great deal of this type of merchandise over the internet is a real good place to start looking, so do not hesitate to start searching now.